2024-ben kiadott európai szabvány jellegű dokumentumok (CEN, CLC)

– Műszaki specifikációk –


A műszaki specifikációkat főként az európai piac fejlődésének támogatását célzó témakörök szempontjainak közzétételére, az előírásokra és a kapcsolódó vizsgálati módszerekre vonatkozó piaci iránymutatáshoz, valamint a kísérleti körülmények és/vagy fejlődő technológiák előírásainak megalkotására hozzák létre.

A műszaki specifikációk megvásárolhatók az MSZT Szabványboltjában vagy megrendelhetők a kiado@mszt.hu e-mail-címen a Megrendelőlap kitöltésével.

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Hivatkozási szám és cím


CEN/TS 18101:2024 
Circular design of fishing gear and aquaculture equipment. Terms and definitions

Halászati felszerelések

CEN/TS 1090-201:2024 
Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures. Reuse of structural steel

Acél- és alumíniumszerkezetek kivitelezése

CEN/TS 17471:2024 
Cranes. Loader cranes. Interface between loader cranes and work platforms

Daruk, emelőgépek és elemeik

CEN/TS 16931-8:2024 
Electronic invoicing. Part 8: Semantic data model of the elements of an e-receipt or a simplified electronic invoice

Elektronikus közbeszerzés

CEN/TS 17011-3:2024 
Electronic Public Procurement. Architecture. Part 3: Customisation Guideline

CEN ISO/TS 15213-3:2024 
Microbiology of the food chain. Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration of Clostridium spp. Part 3: Detection of Clostridium perfringens (ISO/TS 15213-3:2024)


CEN/TS 18020:2024 
Construction products: Assessment of release of dangerous substances. Sampling and quantitative determination of asbestos in construction products

Építési termékek

CEN/TS 18113:2024 
Guidance on how to implement EN ISO 19650-series in Europe, in particular parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

Építményinformációs modellezés (BIM)

CEN/TS 16628:2024 
Energy performance of buildings. Basic principles for the set of EPB standards

Épületek és épületszerkezetek hővédelme

CEN/TS 16629:2024 
Energy performance of buildings. Detailed technical rules for the set of EPB-standards

CEN ISO/TS 19392-5:2024 
Paints and varnishes. Coating systems for wind-turbine rotor blades. Part 5: Measurement of transmittance properties of UV protective coatings (ISO/TS 19392-5:2023)

Festékek és lakkok

CEN ISO/TS 19392-6:2024 
Paints and varnishes. Coating systems for wind-turbine rotor blades. Part 6: Determination and evaluation of ice adhesion using centrifuge (ISO/TS 19392-6:2023)

CEN/TS 927-15:2024 
Paints and varnishes. Coating materials and coating systems for exterior wood. Part 15: Assessment of bleeding of coloured wood extractives through a coating by means of a water immersion test

CEN/TS 17685-2:2024 
Earthworks. Chemical tests. Part 2: Determination of organic matter content by potassium permanganate method


CEN/TS 15502-3-1:2024 
Gas-fired central heating boilers. Part 3-1: H2NG and ACCF. Expansion of EN 15502-2-1:2022


CEN/TS 17489-2:2024 
Secure and interoperable European Breeder Documents. Part 2: Data model

Géppel olvasható kártyák

CEN/TS 18099:2024 
Biometric data injection attack detection

CEN/TS 17048:2024 
Flexible sheets for waterproofing. Plastic and rubber sheets for waterproofing of concrete bridge decks and other trafficked areas of concrete. Definitions and characteristics

Hajlékony vízszigetelő lemezek

CEN/TS 17889:2024 
District heating pipes. Factory made flexible pipe systems. Classification, requirements and test methods for bonded or non-bonded system with thermoplastic reinforced service pipes (TRSP)

Hőellátás, fűtés- és légtechnika

CEN/CLC ISO/IEC/TS 23532-1:2024 
Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection. Requirements for the competence of IT security testing and evaluation laboratories. Part 1: Evaluation for ISO/IEC 15408 (ISO/IEC/TS 23532-1:2021)


CEN/CLC ISO/IEC/TS 23532-2:2024 
Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection. Requirements for the competence of IT security testing and evaluation laboratories. Part 2: Testing for ISO/IEC 19790 (ISO/IEC/TS 23532-2:2021)

CEN/TS 18026:2024 
Three-level approach for a set of cybersecurity requirements for cloud services

CEN ISO/TS 19321:2024 
Intelligent transport systems. Cooperative ITS. Dictionary of in-vehicle information (IVI) data structures (ISO/TS 19321:2024)

Intelligens közlekedési rendszerek

CEN/TS 15531-6:2024 
Public transport. Service interface for real-time information relating to public transport operations. Part 6: Functional service interfaces: Control Actions

CEN/TS 16614-6:2024 
Public transport. Network and timetable exchange (NeTEx). Part 6: European Passenger Information Accessibility Profile

CEN/TS 17118:2024 
Intelligent transport systems. Public transport. Open API for distributed journey planning

CEN/TS 18078:2024 
Electronic fee collection. Measurement of interferences on tolling and tachograph devices from radio local area network devices operating in the 5,8 GHz frequency range. Test suite structure and test purposes

Intelligens közlekedési rendszerek

CEN ISO/TS 23406:2024 
Nuclear sector. Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of quality management systems for organizations supplying products and services important to nuclear safety (ITNS) (ISO/TS 23406:2024)

Ionizáló sugárzás elleni védelem

CLC IEC/TS 62443-1-5:2024 
Security for industrial automation and control systems. Part 1-5: Scheme for IEC 62443 security profiles

Ipari elektronika és folyamatirányítás

CLC IEC/TS 62443-6-1:2024 
Security for industrial automation and control systems. Part 6-1: Security evaluation methodology for IEC 62443-2-4

CLC/TS 50491-7:2024 
General requirements for Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) and Building Automation and Control Systems (BACS). Part 7: IT security and data protection. User Guide

CLC/TS 50600-4-31:2024 
Information technology. Data centre facilities and infrastructures. Part 4-31: Key performance indicators for Resilience

CLC IEC/TS 63074:2024 
Safety of machinery. Security aspects related to functional safety of safety-related control systems

Ipari gépek biztonsága. Villamos szempontok

CLC IEC/TS 63394:2024 
Safety of machinery. Guidelines on functional safety of safety-related control system

CEN/TS 17876:2024 
Child care articles. Tricycles. Safety requirements and test methods

Játékok, sport-, szabadidő- és szórakoztató eszközök

CEN/TS 17660-2:2024 
Air quality. Performance evaluation of air quality sensor systems. Part 2: Particulate matter in ambient air


CEN/TS 18040:2024 
Stationary source emissions. Determination of the mass concentration of formaldehyde. Automatic method


CEN/TS 18044:2024 
Ambient air. Determination of the concentration of levoglucosan. Chromatographic method

CEN/TS 18073:2024 
Ambient air. Determination of lung deposited surface area (LDSA) concentration using aerosol monitors based on diffusion charging

CEN/TS 18086:2024 
Workplace exposure. Direct-reading low-cost particulate matter sensors for measuring airborne NOAA.
Guidelines for application

CEN/TS 18053-1:2024 
Digital Chain of Custody for CBRNE Evidence. Part 1: Overview and Concepts

Magánbiztonsági szolgáltatások

CEN/TS 18053-2:2024 
Digital Chain of Custody for CBRNE Evidence. Part 2: Data Management and Audit

CEN/CLC ISO/IEC/TS 12791:2024 
Information technology. Artificial intelligence. Treatment of unwanted bias in classification and regression machine learning tasks (ISO/IEC TS 12791:2024)

Mesterséges intelligencia

CEN/TS 17152-3:2022/AC:2024 
Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground conveyance and storage of non-potable water. Boxes used for infiltration, attenuation and storage systems. Part 3: Assessment of conformity

Műanyag csövek és csőidomok

CEN/TS 17152-4:2024 
Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground conveyance and storage of non-potable water. Boxes used for infiltration, attenuation and storage systems. Part 4: Guidance for structural design of modular systems

CEN/TS 17670-3:2024 
Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground conveyance of surface water. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE). Part 3: Assessment of conformity

CEN/TS 18116:2024 
Thermoplastics pipes and fittings. Design for recycling guidelines

Műanyag csövek és csőidomok

CEN ISO/TS 19590:2024 
Nanotechnologies. Characterization of nano-objects using single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ISO/TS 19590:2024)


CEN ISO/TS 24672:2024 
Nanotechnologies. Guidance on the measurement of nanoparticle number concentration (ISO/TS 24672:2023)

CEN ISO/TS 4958:2024 
Nanotechnologies. Vocabulary. Liposomes (ISO/TS 4958:2024)

CEN ISO/TS 5387:2024 
Nanotechnologies. Lung burden mass measurement of nanomaterials for inhalation toxicity tests (ISO/TS 5387:2023)

CEN ISO/TS 80004-13:2024 
Nanotechnologies. Vocabulary. Part 13: Graphene and other two-dimensional (2D) materials (ISO/TS 80004-13:2024)

CEN ISO/TS 14265:2024 
Health informatics. Classification of purposes for processing personal health information (ISO/TS 14265:2024)


CEN ISO/TS 5499:2024 
Health informatics. Clinical particulars. Core principles for the harmonization of therapeutic indications terms and identifiers (ISO/TS 5499:2024)

CEN ISO/TS 7552-1:2024 
Molecular in vitro diagnostic examinations. Specifications for pre-examination processes for circulating tumour cells (CTCs) in venous whole blood. Part 1: Isolated RNA (ISO/TS 7552-1:2024)

CEN ISO/TS 7552-2:2024 
Molecular in vitro diagnostic examinations. Specifications for pre-examination processes for circulating tumour cells (CTCs) in venous whole blood. Part 2: Isolated DNA (ISO/TS 7552-2:2024)

CEN ISO/TS 7552-3:2024 
Molecular in vitro diagnostic examinations. Specifications for pre-examination processes for circulating tumour cells (CTCs) in venous whole blood. Part 3: Preparations for analytical CTC staining (ISO/TS 7552-3:2024)

CEN/TS 17217:2024 
Postal services. Reverse envelope. Design and printing requirements

Postai szolgáltatások

CEN/TS 18055-1:2024 
Postal services. Harmonized track and trace events. Part 1: Forward flow

CEN/TS 18094:2024 
Non-destructive testing. Test method for determining residual stresses by synchrotron x-ray diffraction

Roncsolásmentes vizsgálat

CEN/TS 18075:2024 
Resilient, textile, laminate and modular mechanical locked floor coverings. Circular economy and sustainability. Recommendations/guidelines for design

Rugalmas, textil és laminált padlóburkoló anyagok

CEN/TS 17883:2024 
Environmental characterization of eluates from leaching of waste and soil using reproductive and toxicological gene expression in Daphnia magna

Talajminőség és talajvédelem

CEN/TS 19100-4:2024 
Design of glass structures. Part 4: Glass selection relating to the risk of human injury. Guidance for specification

Teherhordó szerkezetek erőtani tervezése

CEN/TS 18041:2024 
Hydrometry. Sedimentation. Measurements required for effective sediment management and control at river structures


CEN ISO/TS 19144-3:2024 
Geographic information. Classification systems. Part 3: Land Use Meta Language (LUML) (ISO/TS 19144-3:2024)


CLC/TS 50641-2:2024 
Fixed Installations for Railway Applications. Requirements for the validation of simulation tools used for the design of electric traction power supply systems. Part 2: specific DC urban case

Vasúti villamos berendezések

CLC/TS 50712:2024 
Railway applications. Current collection systems. Technical criteria for the interaction between pantograph and overhead contact lines on electrified roads

CEN ISO/TS 7127:2024 
Light and lighting. Building information modelling properties for lighting. Lighting systems (ISO/TS 7127:2023)


CEN/TS 17951:2024 
Lighting Applications. Adaptive Emergency Escape Lighting Systems


CEN/TS 18036:2024 
Light and lighting. Commissioning of lighting systems in buildings (ISO/TS 21274:2020, modified)

CLC IEC/TS 60034-25:2024 
Rotating electrical machines. Part 25: AC electrical machines used in power drive systems. Application guide

Villamos forgógépek

CLC IEC/TS 60034-31:2024 
Rotating electrical machines. Part 31: Selection of energy-efficient motors including variable speed applications. Application guidelines