2020-ban kiadott európai szabvány jellegű dokumentumok (CEN)
– Műszaki jelentések –

Műszaki jelentések (CEN/TR-ek) akkor készülnek, ha sürgős vagy hasznos tájékoztatást szeretnének adni a CEN/CENELEC tagjainak, az Európai Bizottságnak, az EFTA titkárságának vagy más kormányzati szerveknek, illetve kívülálló testületeknek.


A műszaki jelentések megvásárolhatók az MSZT Szabványboltjában vagy megrendelhetők a kiado@mszt.hu e-mail-címen a Megrendelőlap kitöltésével.

Érdeklődés esetén a CEN/TR-ek nemzeti szabványként való bevezetésére, illetve további információért kérjük, keresse munkatársainkat az alábbi elérhetőségen: szabvtit@mszt.hu

Hivatkozási szám és cím


CEN ISO/TR 18401:2020 
Nanotechnologies. Plain language explanation of selected terms from the ISO/IEC 80004 series (ISO/TR 18401:2017)


CEN ISO/TR 19402:2020 
Paints and varnishes. Adhesion of coatings (ISO/TR 19402:2018)

Festékek és lakkok

CEN ISO/TR 21555:2020 
Paints and varnishes. Overview of test methods on hardness and wear resistance of coatings (ISO/TR 21555:2019)

CEN ISO/TR 20174:2020 
Welding. Grouping systems for materials. Japanese materials (ISO/TR 20174:2020)

Hegesztés és rokon eljárásai

CEN/TR 10317:2020 
European certified reference materials (EURONORM-CRMs) for the determination of the chemical composition of iron and steel products

Vas és acél vegyvizsgálati módszerei

CEN ISO/TR 22100-4:2020 
Safety of machinery. Relationship with ISO 12100. Part 4: Guidance to machinery manufacturers for consideration of related IT-security (cyber security) aspects (ISO/TR 22100-4:2018)

Gépek biztonsága

CEN/TR 1591-2:2020 
Flanges and their joints. Design rules for gasketed circular flange connections. Part 2: Gasket parameters

Fémkarimák és kötéseik

CEN ISO/TR 21960:2020 
Plastics. Environmental aspects. State of knowledge and methodologies (ISO/TR 21960:2020)


CEN ISO/TR 23383:2020 
Textiles and textile products. Smart (Intelligent) textiles. Definitions, categorisation, applications and standardization needs (ISO/TR 23383:2020)


CEN/TR 17512:2020 
Personal protective equipment. Smart garments. Terms and definitions


CEN ISO/TR 24971:2020 
Medical devices. Guidance on the application of ISO 14971 (ISO/TR 24971:2020)


CEN ISO/TR 20416:2020 
Medical devices. Post-market surveillance for manufacturers (ISO/TR 20416:2020)

CEN ISO/TR 56004:2020 
Innovation Management Assessment. Guidance (ISO/TR 56004:2019)


CLC/TR 45550:2020 
Definitions related to material efficiency


CEN/TR 14473:2020 
Transportable gas cylinders. Porous materials for acetylene cylinders

Szállítható gázpalackok

CEN/TR 15350:2020 
Mechanical vibration. Guideline for the assessment of exposure to hand-transmitted vibration using available information including that provided by manufacturers of machinery

Mechanikai rezgés és rázkódás

CEN/TR 17506:2020 
Guidance on databases for human vibration

CEN/TR 17474:2020 
Cereals (wheat and barley). Technical Report of the interlaboratory studies for the determination of moisture and protein in whole kernels by near infrared spectroscopy

Gabona és gabonatermékek

CEN/TR 15367-1:2020 
Petroleum products. Guidelines for good housekeeping. Part 1: Automotive diesel fuels

Ásványolajtermékek, kenőanyagok és rokon termékek

CEN/TR 17491:2020 
Automotive fuels. Information on aniline, N-methyl aniline, N-ethyl aniline, N,N di-methyl aniline and secondary-butyl acetate when used as blending components in unleaded petrol

CEN/TR 17544:2020 
Automotive fuels. Report on studies done on cold soak filter blocking tendency (CS-FBT) on fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) as blend component for diesel fuel, and of diesel fuel containing up to 30% (V/V) of FAME

CEN/TR 17548:2020 
Automotive fuels. Diesel fuel market issues. Abrasive particles investigation report

CEN/TR 17499:2020 
Bitumen and bituminous binders. Examples for CE Marking and Declaration of Performances (DoP)

Bitumenes kötőanyagok

CEN/TR 17524:2020 
Fire safety engineering in Europe. Review of national requirements and application

Építmények tűzvédelme

CEN/TR 17509:2020 
Materials obtained from End-of-Life Tyres. Granulated rubber. Determination of textile fiber content by visual index (qualitative method)

Használt gumiabroncsból nyert anyagok (ELT)

CEN/TR 17511:2020 
Materials obtained from End-of-Life Tyres. Odour of ELT granulates. Origin and remediation possibilities

CEN/TR 17452:2020 
Natural gas fuelling stations. Guidance for implementation of European standards on CNG and LNG stations for fuelling vehicles

Földgázüzemű járművek. Üzemenyag-ellátás és működtetés

CEN/TR 17546:2020 
Electronic fee collection. EETS gap analysis and proposed standards roadmap

Intelligens közlekedési rendszerek

CEN/TR 17401:2020 
Intelligent transport systems. Urban-ITS. Mixed vendor environment guide

CEN/TR 17420:2020 
Railway applications. Vehicle end design for trams and light rail vehicles with respect to pedestrian safety

Vasúti alkalmazások

CEN/TR 17532:2020 
Railway applications. Fire protection on railway vehicles. Assessment of fire containment and control systems for railway vehicles

CEN/TR 17469:2020 
Railway applications. Axle design method

CEN/TR 17498:2020 

Railway applications. Infrastructure. Rail mounted railway maintenance and inspection machines and associated equipment. Explanation of machine type and compliance, including acceptance processes

CEN/TR 17554:2020 
Ambient air. Application of EN 16909 for the determination of elemental carbon (EC) and organic carbon (OC) in PM10 and PMcoarse


CEN/TR 17535:2020 
Requirements to connect, access, participate and further develop open global networks and systems, for postal operators and the wider postal sector players

Postai szolgáltatások

CEN/TR 17536:2020 
Requirements for electronic advanced data (EAD) in postal operations, in particular compliant to security and customs requirements

CEN/TR 16192:2020 
Waste. Guidance on analysis of eluates


CEN/TR 17519:2020 
Surfaces for sports areas. Synthetic turf sports facilities. Guidance on how to minimize infill dispersion into the environment


CEN/TR 16396:2020 
Playground equipment for children. Replies to requests for interpretation of EN 1176 and its parts.

Sport, játszótér és egyéb szabadidős létesítmények és eszközök

CEN/TR 15071:2020 
Safety of toys. National translations of warnings and instructions for use in the EN 71 series

Gyermekjátékszerek biztonsága

CEN/TR 17538:2020 
Furniture. Common test equipment. Test foams and mattresses


CEN/TR 17557:2020 
Surface active agents. Bio-based surfactants. Overview on bio-based surfactants

Felületaktív anyagok

CEN/TR 17086:2020 
Further guidance on the application of EN 13791:2019 and background to the provisions

Beton és más betontermékek

CEN/TR 14245:2020 
Cement. Guidelines for the application of EN 197-2: Assessment and verification of constancy of performance

Cement és mész

CEN/TR 17439:2020 
Guidance on how to implement EN ISO 19650-1 and -2 in Europe

Épületinformációs modellezés (BIM)

CEN/TR/ISO/ASTM 52912:2020 
Additive manufacturing. Design. Functionally graded additive manufacturing (ISO/ASTM/TR 52912:2020)

Additív gyártás

CEN/TR 17447:2020 
Space. Use of GNSS-based positioning for road Intelligent Transport System (ITS). Mathematical PVT error model


CEN/TR 17448:2020 
Space. Use of GNSS-based positioning for road Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). Metrics and Performance levels detailed definition

CEN/TR 17464:2020 
Space. Use of GNSS-based positioning for road Intelligent Transport System (ITS). Security attacks modelling and definition of performance features and metrics related to security

CEN/TR 17465:2020 
Space. Use of GNSS-based positioning for road Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). Field tests definition for basic performance

CEN/TR 17475:2020 
Space. Use of GNSS-based positioning for road Intelligent Transport System (ITS). Specification of the test facilities, definition of test scenarios, description and validation of the procedures for field tests related to security performance of GNSS-based positioning terminals